GLOBE Enterprise

Banking Solutions

Banking Solutions

GLOBE Enterprise LLC provides professional services to assist in consolidation and growth. At a time of unprecedented global enterprise reform, we offer banking solutions for businesses.

Modern blue glass buildings

From Physical to Virtual Banking

Corporate Accounts

Corporate accounts diversify from personal or investment bank accounts in terms that they provide services that respond to business needs and thus have different regulations in regards to the opening process. Corporate accounts are mainly opened to meet business purposes.

When opening a corporate account it is crucial to choose a recognised worldwide financial centre that reflects your business needs, since each jurisdiction provides different services. Each business centre is regulated by a financial authority and it is thus critical to make sure that the jurisdiction you select to bank with will address your business objectives.

Virtual Accounts

The need for better control and visibility corporates seeks smarter transaction banking alternatives like virtual accounts. E-accounts are used to make and receive payments on behalf of one physical account. Virtual accounts also offer corporates the ability to reconcile payments in real time. Corporates with multiple banking relationships, multiple accounts across different banks and with a need to rationalise complex accounting structures can especially benefit from virtual accounts.

A Virtual Account Management (VAM) platform can help corporates create, manage and monitor virtual accounts. They offer benefits like a self-servicing VAM engine, a dashboard view to account information and a sophisticated reporting module, in addition to payments and liquidity management.

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